Medicine On Time
Medicine On Time is a medication packaging system for single or multiple medications.
Each “bubble” lists the date, medication contained in the bubble, patient’s name, and time the dose is given. The packages are color coded for morning, afternoon, evening and bedtime doses.
There is a matching color coded MAR to make medication administration very stream lined. Please look at the pamphlet on the website, and if you have any questions, we can walk you through the process over the phone or in person.

Blister Packing
Our single dose packaging consists of a medication placed in the “bubble” for ease of keeping track of medication doses which have been given.
Tracy’s will also give you medication administration records if you want them (these allow you to initial that a dose of a medication has been given, what time it was given and who gave the dose).
To help keep your personal care or group home up to date, we offer different types of MAR’s which can be adjusted for your patients.
Our MAR’s contain the following information:
1) Name of patient
2) DOB of patient
3) List of medications with administration times
4) Drug or food allergies
5) MD name Pharmacy name and number
6) List of disease states or concerns needed to be listed for patient care
7) Adverse Drug Reactions
8) Description of medication (so you can tell what the patient is taking)
9) Sign off sheet for prn medications
10) Charting options for vital signs
11) Charting options for medication exceptions and hold notes
12) Injection site notes
13) Reference signatures and initials
(If there is another item you need on the MAR, we can work with our computer company to try and add it)
Tracy’s Medicine Center can also arrange for one of our pharmacist’s to do a medication audit to make sure you are in compliance with your medication.